Face-to-face conversation between two or more people is a universal form, and perhaps the basic form, of social interaction. It is the primary site of social interaction in all cultures and the place where social and cultural meaning takes shape. Face-to-face conversation between children and parents can also be an important context for social and cognitive development. Given the universality, frequency and importance of conversation in social life, a psychological model of conversation is required for an understanding of the central issues in social and developmental psychology. This book provides such a model. Language in Action presents a critical examination of four models of conversation: the Code model based on Chomsky's linguistic views; the Speech Act model of Austin and Searle; the Inferential model of Grice, and the Conversation Analytic model of Sacks and Schegloff. It also considers the Brown and Levinson model of politeness in conversation. Using many examples from natural talk and drawing on the positive aspects of the reviewed models, Turnbull proposes a new Social Pragmatic model of conversation as social interaction. He also describes the research paradigm of Social Pragmatics that experimental psychologists can use to study conversation. This book will be invaluable for advanced students in psychology, sociology, language and linguistics and communication. It will also make fascinating and lively reading for anyone wanting a greater understanding of this fundamental form of social interaction.
This is a general type-theoretic approach that lends itself easily to proof-theoretic and semantic studies in tandem with standard logic.
An introduction to the study of modern linguistics aimed at the non-specialist.
The Artistry of Process Drama in Second Language Education Erika Piazzoli ... Bowell and Heap dedicate a chapter of their book, Putting Process Drama into Action, to each function, exploring them great detail.
This edited book explores the rising interest in minimal languages – radically simplified languages using cross-translatable words and grammar, fulfilling the widely-recognised need to use language which is clear, accessible and easy to ...
This book will provide a comprehensive overview of the field of professional communication from an applied linguistics perspective and introduce core concepts and approaches to this key field of academic enquiry.
The two Workbooks, one for each 26-lesson part, are the students' chief resource and handbook for analysis of the French language and culture that they first encounter in the videos.
Spanish in a day: language in action: a unique approach
Winner of the BAAL Book Prize 2012 Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics is a series of introductory level textbooks covering the core topics in Applied Linguistics, primarily designed for those entering postgraduate studies and ...
Titles in the series are also ideal for language professionals returning to academic study. The books take an innovative 'practice to theory' approach, with a 'back-to-front' structure.
This book defines the notion of applied sign linguistics by drawing on data from projects that have explored sign language in action in various domains.