Sport Psychology, 2nd Edition provides a synthesis of the major topics in sport psychology with an applied focus and an emphasis on achieving optimal performance. After exploring the history of sport psychology, human motivation, and the role of exercise, there are three main sections to the text: Performance Enhancement, Performance Inhibition, and Individuals and Teams. The first of these sections covers topics such as anxiety, routines, mental imagery, self-talk, enhancing concentration, relaxation, goals, and self-confidence. The section on Performance Inhibition includes chapters on choking under pressure, self-handicapping, procrastination, perfectionism, helplessness, substance abuse, and disruptive personality factors. While much of the information presented is universally applicable, individual differences based on gender, ethnicity, age, and motivation are emphasized in the concluding section on Individuals and Teams. Throughout, there are case studies of well-known athletes from a variety of sports to illustrate topics that are being explored.
This book presents an applied approach to sport psychology and is designed to enable students and coaches to understand key psychological tools.
Mark B. Andersen examines authentic examples of sport psychologists at work to teach readers how to use their knowledge of sport psychology in an effective and efficient manner.
This third edition presents a thorough review of the literature and terminilogy in key topic areas.
No coach should be without this essential guide, whose principles have been successfully applied and tested on thousands of coaches around the world.
Achieve the mindset of a superior athlete with Sport Psychology Essentials! This book is packed with research-based strategies for developing the mental skills necessary to reach your sport performance goals.
Johnson, U. (2007). 'Psychosocial antecedents of sport injury, prevention and intervention: An overview of theoretical approaches and empirical findings'. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 5,352–369.
Make The Sport Psych Handbook part of your training arsenal, and start performing to your potential.
Based on the author’s more than 30 years of professional experience, this volume presents a framework that delineates methods for designing, implementing, and evaluating sport psychology programs, discussing topics such as needs ...
This new volume examines not only the many ways that consultants impact athletes, but also explores their work with coaches, teams, parents, and interdisciplinary groups such as sports medicine team and sports management.
"The text guides readers through these situations: -Understanding the dynamics of a variety of issues, including alcohol abuse and violence, referral processes, erotic transference and countertransference, and communication problems between ...