Unlocking EU Law

Unlocking EU Law
Unlocking EU Law
Chris Turner, Tony Storey


European Law is a core element of all law degrees in England and Wales. Unlocking EU Law will ensure you grasp the main concepts with ease, providing you with an essential foundation for further study or practice. This new fourth edition is fully up-to-date with the latest developments and includes: The European Union Act 2011 Detailed coverage of the Lisbon Treaty All major new cases? This book is essential reading for students studying EU Law on undergraduate courses in the UK. The UNLOCKING THE LAW series is designed specifically to make the law accessible. Features include: aims and objectives at the start of each chapter key facts charts to consolidate your knowledge diagrams to aid learning summaries to help check your understanding of each chapter problem questions with guidance on answering a glossary of legal terminology The series covers all the core subjects required by the Bar Council and the Law Society for entry onto professional qualifications, as well as popular option units. The website www.unlockingthelaw.co.uk provides supporting resources such as multiple choice questions, key questions and answers and updates to the law.

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