In a complex and multi-layered world, the conventional idea of great leadership being the result of the efforts of a single individual is rapidly becoming redundant. This book takes up the challenge of finding an alternative method of leadership in educational contexts, and looks at how this can help achieve sustained improvement in schools. The authors acknowledge that there are no simple solutions to school improvement. They argue that the effective leaders of the future will be those who are able to share responsibility, build positive relationships and offer stakeholders - teachers, parents and students - an opportunity to work together to improve their schools. The book is based around four key areas of concern: the changing context of leadership, leadership and school improvement, building leadership capacity, and future direction and implications. In each section, the authors discuss current theories and issues, and put forward alternative ideas and perspectives. This important book will make valuable reading for headteachers, principles, deputies and other senior teachers, particularly those undertaking leadership qualifications and training. It will also be of interest to postgraduate students and school governors.
Your shortcut to success for inspired school leadership! Tap your greatest leadership potential and quickly get on track to meeting today’s complicated challenges with this follow up to the best-selling Learning Forward Book of the Year.
Maximizing Resources for School Improvement Daniel R. Tomal, Craig A. Schilling, Margaret Trybus ... Equality of educational opportunity: A 40-year retrospective (WCER Working Paper No. 2006-9). ... Modern education finance and policy.
The text focuses on helping educational leaders learn what they need to know about technology standards, data-driven decision making, and creative leadership in this digital environment.
The central message of this book is one of investing in leadership at all levels within the organization to maintain and sustain school improvement.
This book explores the principal’s role in meeting high expectations for student achievement.
Intended to provide school principals and administrators with suggestions for leading a schoolwide writing improvement effort, this book describes the writing process and addresses the kinds of considerations of which...
As the inaugural issue in the Leadership for School Improvement (LSI) Special Interest Group (SIG) Book Series, this volume serves as a reflection on the foundations of the field of school improvement.
Effective School Leadership raises many questions about effective leadership and how it is seen from different viewpoints. The issues are placed in political context and in relation to a changing world scene.
In G. Salomon (Ed.), Distributed cognitions: Psychological and educational considerations (pp. 1–46). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Cuban, L. (1988). The managerial imperative and the practice of leadership in schools.
In this updated 2nd edition, the authors created a blueprint for educational leaders to arrive at an understanding of the complexity of shared leadership for achieving reflective school improvement.