The idea that Britain, the US and other western societies are witnessing the rise of an underclass of people at the bottom of the social heap, structurally and culturally distinct from traditional patterns of `decent' working-class life, has become increasingly popular in the 1990s. Anti-work, anti-social, and welfare dependent cultures are said to typify this new `dangerous class' and `dangerous youth' are taken as the prime subjects of underclass theories. Debates about the family and single-parenthood, about crime and about unemployment and welfare reforms have all become embroiled in underclass theories which, whilst highly controversial, have had remarkable influence on the politics and policies of governments in Britain and the US. Youth, the 'Underclass' and Social Exclusion constitutes the first concerted attempt to grapple with the underclass idea in relation to contemporary youth. It focuses upon unemployment, training, the labour market, crime, homelessness, and parenting and will be essential reading for students of social policy, sociology and criminology.
In this sense they resemble North America's underclass, but are different in so far as the rise in unemployment in Britain has spread the relevant disadvantages throughout many sections of the white population.
Based on close-up research with young men and women from localities suffering social exclusion in extreme form, Disconnected Youth? will appeal to all those who are interested in understanding and tackling the problems of growing up in ...
In MacDonald, R. (Ed.), Youth, the 'underclass' and social exclusion. Routledge: London. [Based on long-term, participant observation research, this chapter provides a rare example of an ethnographic, sociological attempt to understand ...
Multidisciplinary Handbook of Social Exclusion Research. ... Youth, the 'Underclass' and Social Exclusion. Ed. MacDonald. New York: Routledge, 2000. 1-25. —. “Youth, Social Exclusion and the Millennium.” Youth, the 'Underclass' and ...
Jones , G. ( 2002 ) The Youth Divide : Diverging paths to adulthood , York : Joseph Rowntree Foundation . MacDonald , R. ( 1997 ) Youth , social exclusion and the millennium ' , in R. MacDonald ( ed . ) , Youth , the Underclass ' and ...
With poor wages and a lack of affordable housing, most young people have little choice but to live with their parents, even when they have jobs and frequently after they marry (Roberts et al., 2009: Roberts, 2009).
Coles, B. and Craig, G. (1999) Excluded youth and the growth of begging, in H. Dean (ed.) Begging Questions: Street Level Economic Activity ... Youth, 'the Underclass' and Social Exclusion. London: Routledge. Crimmens, D., Factor, F., ...
What Thompson is suggesting here is that the work of Turner and others takes on an essentialist sensibility, in that it presumes necessary features of 'essential and universal human spirituality', which are magically set free at the ...
D'Ambrosio, C., Papadopoulos, F. and Tsakloglou, P. (2002) Exclusion in EU Member States: A Comparison of Two Alternative Approaches (Working ... MacDonald, R. (1997) Youth, the “Underclass” and Social Exclusion (London: Routledge).
Hills J. , Le Grand J. and Piachaud D. ( 2002 ) Understanding Social Exclusion . Oxford : Oxford University Press . Houston D. ( 2005 ) " Employability ... ( 1997 ) Youth , the ' Underclass ' and Social Exclusion . London : Routledge .