The Cold War dominated international relations for forty-five years. It shaped the foreign policies of the United States and the Soviet Union and deeply affected their societies, domestic situations and their government institutions. Hardly any part of the world escaped its influence. David Painter provides a compact and analytical study that examines the origins, course, and end of the Cold War. His overview is global in perspective, with an emphasis on the Third World as well as the contested regions of Asia and Central America, and a strong consideration of economic issues. He includes discussion of: the global distribution of power the arms race the world economy. The Cold War gives a concise, original and interdisciplinary introduction to this international state of affairs, covering the years between 1945 and 1990.
Evaluates the second half of the twentieth century in light of its first fifty years, chronicling how the world transformed from a dark era of international communism and nuclear weapons to a time of political and economic freedom.
This volume takes stock of where new materials from China, the former Soviet Union and Europe have taken us in our understanding of what the Cold War was about and how we should study it.
Quoted in Michael Beschloss, ed., Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963–1964 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998), 401–3. 5. Quoted in Andrew Preston, The War Council: McGeorge Bundy, the NSC, and Vietnam (Cambridge, ...
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.
The World the Cold War Made examines the Cold War and its lasting legacy by carefully exploring the creation and structure of the postwar settlement; its successes, failures and adaptations; and the eventual coming apart of the post war ...
The book is genuinely global in its reach and captures the dramas and agonies of a period always overshadowed by the horror of nuclear war and which, for millions of people, was not 'cold' at all: a time of relentless violence, squandered ...
Huang Zheng, Hu Zhiming yu Zhongguo (Ho Chi Minh and China) (Beijing: Jiefangjun, 1987), 6–11; Zhou Enlai would later ... See Liang Feng, ''Premier Zhou Enlai and the Sino-Vietnamese Friendship,'' in Lao waijiaoguan huiyi Zhou Enlai ...
The flamboyant Harvey and the temperate Pitovranov made a curious contrast. Like all legends, “Big Bill” prompted exaggeration. The outsize thirty-sevenyear-old drank up to five martinis before raising a fork to his lunch, and he seemed ...
Den kolde krig er betegnelsen på den sikkerhedspolitiske tilstand imellem Sovjetunionen samt den Nord Amerikanske alliance. Den kolde krig startede i 1945 og var karakteriseret af eksistensen af atomvåben på...
This work examines the military, economic, diplomatic, and political evolution of the conflict as well as its impact on the different regions and cultures of the world.