Working with Texts: A Core Book for Language Analysis provides a basic foundation for understanding aspects of English language crucial in the analysis of text. The major topics covered include writing, the sound system of spoken English, words, sentence grammar and discourse construction. The wide range of texts examined include literary extracts from prose fiction (Jeanette Winterson, Anne Tyler), poetry (D. H. Lawrence, Margaret Atwood), drama (John Godber) and graphic novels (Neil Gaiman), but also a huge diversity of texts from contemporary media: newspaper articles, advertisements (Gap, Kelloggs), political speeches and original authentic materials (children's writing, signs, everyday conversation). Student-friendly features include: * Activities showing how language works in texts and their contexts * Commentaries which follow each activity, highlighting main points of language use * Wide coverage of different genres: literary texts, notes, memos, signs, advertisements, leaflets, speeches, conversation * Suggestions for further reading and additional self-study exercises * Key words highlighted and a full index of terms Ideal for introductory courses to English Language and Literature and Linguistics. Also of interest to students of media and communication studies.
As text mining raises legal and ethical issues, the legal background of text mining and the responsibilities of the engineer are discussed in this book.
The core textbook in the popular Intertext series, Working with Texts introduces students to the main principles of language analysis, through real text examples.
An interactive, multimedia text that introduces students to reading and writing at the college level.
Unique to this text, the International Phonetic Alphabet is represented by both HCE and MD versions, allowing lecturers to use whichever IPA system they prefer.
This book shows the reader how to undertake detailed, language-focussed, contextually sensitive analyses of a wide range of texts – spoken, written and multimodal.
Coleridge's strategy of composition or the meanings he intended to put into the text, but it also illuminates the articulation of the poet's multifaceted cultural background in which religion goes hand in hand with enlightenment-related ...
The Riley Guide . . Also , Dillon , A. 1994. Designing Usable Electronic Text : Ergonomic Aspects of Human Information Usage . London , UK : Taylor & Francis . Dixon , P. 2000a .
The first coherent theoretical, critical, and editorial approach to the study of literary revision
Category Theory has developed rapidly. This book aims to present those ideas and methods which can now be effectively used by Mathe maticians working in a variety of other fields of Mathematical research. This occurs at several levels.
That's why Owocki's "Common Core Lesson Book" empowers teachers with a comprehensive framework for implementation that enhances existing curriculum and extends it to meet Common Core goals.