The study of victims of crime is a central concern for criminologists around the world. In recent years, some victimologists have become increasingly engaged in positivist debates on the differences between victims and non-victims, how these differences can be measured and what could be done to improve the victims' experience of the criminal justice system. Written by experts in the field, this book embraces a much wider understanding of social harms and asks which victims' voices are heard and why. McGarry and Walklate break new ground with this innovative and accessible book; it offers a broad discussion of social harms, the role of the victim in society and the inter-relationship between trauma, testimony and justice and asks: how has harm been understood and under what circumstances have those harms been recognised? how and under what circumstances are those harms articulated? how and under what circumstances are the voices of those who have been harmed listened to? Each chapter draws on case studies and a range of questions designed to assist in reflection and critical engagement. This book is perfect reading for students taking courses on victimology, victims and society, victims’ rights and criminal justice.
A look at "victimism" in the United States criticizes the ways in which individuals define themselves by their status as victims--of parents, men, the workplace, stress, drugs, food, and physical characteristics This book has its origins in ...
BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from Jonathan Kellerman's Guilt. “Expertly crafted, judiciously paced and echoing with larger social concerns.”—The Star-Ledger “The combination of Alex Delaware [and] Detective Milo Sturgis . ...
Concentrating on such personal crimes as mugging, robbery, and rape, this book provides emotional support as well as practical information on where to seek legal, medical, and psychological help and briefly details police and court ...
Silent Victims is a unique contribution to the literature on hate crime. Because most extant literature treats hate crimesÑeven racial violenceÑrather generically, this work breaks new ground with its findings.
Victims of the Book uncovers a long-neglected but once widespread subgenre: the fin-de-siècle novel of formation in France.
(Home Office 2003: 14) This closely resembles the highly suspect 'broken windows' logic in James Q. Wilson and George Kelling's celebrated Atlantic Monthly article (Wilson and Kelling 1982).9 The hypothesis is that antisocial behaviour ...
This volume provides insight into the effects of rape and explores a treatment approach that assists in the healing process.
Further rights and protection measures for victims of crime are provided in Sec . 43 et seq . of the Code of Criminal Procedure 83 In terms of victim support associations , a partner organisation of the " Weisser Ring " , named Bily ...
Helen Reeves, Anne Viney, and Jane Cooper of the national headquarters of Victim Support have been particularly helpful to us throughout. Lengthy discussions with them served to encourage us ...