This fourth edition of The Geography of Tourism and Recreation provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the interrelationship between tourism, leisure and recreation from geographical and social science perspectives. It still remains the only book to systematically compare and contrast in a spatial context, tourism and recreation in relation to leisure time, offering insight into the demand, supply, planning, destination management and impacts of tourism and recreation. Whilst retaining its accessible style and approach this edition has been significantly updated to reflect recent developments and new concepts from geography which are beginning to permeate the tourism and recreational field. New features include: Content on the most recent developments, climate change, sustainability, mobilities and crisis management in time and space as well as trends such as low cost airlines and the control of land transport by transnational operators in the EU such as Arriva. More attention to management issues such as innovation and the spatial consequences for tourism and leisure development. New case studies and examples to showcase real life issues, from both developed and developing countries, especially the US, China and South Africa. Completely revised and redeveloped to accommodate new, user- friendly features: case studies, insights, summary points and learning objectives. Written by leading academics, this is essential reading for all tourism, geography, leisure and recreation students.
Environment, Place and Space C. Michael Hall, Stephen J. Page, C.Michael Hall ... higher rainfallareasof Australia (Lesslieand Taylor 1983;Hall and Mark 1985; Hall 1987; Lesslieetal.1987; Lesslie 1991; Manidis Roberts Consultants 1991).
This second edition is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to tourism, leisure and recreation. Each chapter offers a distinctive series of insights into how the geographer has approached the analysis of tourism and recreation.
Beiträge Zur Fremdenverkehrsgeographie
The Geography of Tourism and Recreation: Environment, Place, Space
Offers comprehensive and in depth coverage of the topic for AS and A Level. The book is also a useful resource for GNVQ Tourism and Leisure courses.
The Geography of Tourism and Recreation
... already exist: between cattle and game in Serengeti and Ngorogoro; between industry and bird life at Nakuru; between electricity and wild life at Murchison Falls; between irrigation schemes and wildlife in the Semliki Valley.
The Geography of Tourism and Recreation in Bihar
This is the first text to give an historical geographical approach to the field of recreation and tourism. It brings together a wide panorama of materials from a number of...
The contributors explore diverse aspects of leisure and tourism, ranging from the methodologies behind leisure practices to detailed case studies including: *Disneyland, Paris *tourism in sacred landscapes *leisure practices in cyberspace ...