This popular text, now in its fourth edition, “unpacks” the various dimensions of literacy—linguistic and other sign systems; cognitive; sociocultural; and developmental—and at the same time accounts for the interrelationships among them. Distinguished by its examination of literacy from a multidimensional and interdisciplinary perspective, it provides a strong conceptual foundation upon which literacy curriculum and instruction in school settings can be grounded. Linking theory and research to practice in an understandable, user-friendly manner, the text provides in-depth coverage of the dimensions of literacy, includes demonstrations and “hands-on” activities, examines authentic reading and writing events that reflect key concepts, and summarizes the concepts in tables and figures. Changes in the Fourth Edition • Addresses academic language, new literacies/multiliteracies, and their relationship to literacy learning • More fully develops the developmental dimension of literacy in separate chapters on adult mediation and learner construction • Expands the discussion of multimodal literacies • Extends and integrates the discussion of bilingualism and biliteracy throughout the text • Integrates instructional implications more fully throughout
Acknowledging and addressing all four dimensions, this text links literacy theory, literacy research, and literacy practice in a useable way.
Acknowledging and addressing all four dimensions, this text links literacy theory, literacy research, and literacy practice in a useable way.
The Third Dimension of Literacy
Examines the widespread phenomenon of poor literacy skills in adults across the globe This handbook presents a wide range of research on adults who have low literacy skills.
Available at: Shelley, P.B. (1820). A defense ofpoetry. ... “Reading don't fix no Chevys”: Reading in the lives ofyoung men. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Smith, M. W., & Wilhelm, J. D. ...
This volume demonstrates how literacy is more than learning to read and write.
Four-dimensional education provides a clear and actionable first-of-its-kind organizing framework of competencies needed for this century.
Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Science Education, Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New K-12 Science Education ...
The book is divided into three sections, which cover the model in theory, the model in practice, and extending the model. Literacy in 3D presents a core framework for curriculum and pedagogy design within the New Literacy Studies tradition.
Literacy and the Politics of Representation aims to uncover the constructed nature of public understandings of literacy by examining detailed examples of how literacy is represented in a range of public contexts.