Financing Public Schools moves beyond the basics of financing public elementary and secondary education to explore the historical, philosophical, and legal underpinnings of a viable public school system. Coverage includes the operational aspects of school finance, including issues regarding teacher salaries and pensions, budgeting for instructional programs, school transportation, and risk management. Diving deeper than other school finance books, the authors explore the political framework within which schools must function, discuss the privatization of education and its effects on public schools, offer perspectives regarding education as an investment in human capital, and expertly explain complex financial and economic issues. This comprehensive text provides the tools to apply the many and varied fiscal concepts and practices that are essential for aspiring public school administrators who aim to provide responsible stewardship for their students. Special Features: "Definitional Boxes" and "Key Terms" throughout chapters enhance understanding of difficult concepts. Coverage of legal, political, and historical issues provides a broader context and more complex understanding of school finance. Offers in-depth exploration of business management of financial resources, including fiscal accounting, school facilities, school transportation, financing with debt, and the nuances of school budgeting techniques.
Financing Public Schools in the United States
Diverse economic, social, and legal concerns have brought renewed attention to the problem of financing public schools. The primary economic concern is preparing students to compete successfully in the international...
This book examines the fundamental role of politics in funding our public schools and fills a conceptual imbalance in the current literature in school finance and educational policy. Unlike those...
24 MAKING MONEY MATTER used to frame the issues and their consequences rather than to obtain conclusive evidence on what ... Concomitantly, we have the responsibility, as Levin pointed out, to consider where, along with social science ...
This book is designed as a "building-block approach to understanding the financing of public schools in the U.S. The philosophical and historical basis for financing public schools is presented and...
69 For thorough literature reviews, see: Andrews, M., Duncombe, W., & Yinger, J. (2002). Revisiting economies of size in ... In H.J. Walberg (Series Ed.), & B. Levin, W.J. Fowler, Jr, & H.J. Walberg (Vol. Eds.), Advances in educational ...