First Published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
"For centuries, East Africa has played a central role within the Indian Ocean world. The Arabs built the first trade networks there; these were laid siege to by the Portuguese...
This volume explores this paradigm at diverse levels ranging from state formation and the reorganization of world markets to the creation of new social roles and identities.
3 (1986), 479–506; Piet Westra and James C. Armstron Slave Trade with Madagascar: The Journals of the Cape Slaver Leijdsman, 1715/Slawe-Handel met Madagaskar: Die Joernale va die Kaapse slaweskip Leijdsman, 1715 (Cape Town: Africana ...
Bringing together essays from leading authorities in the field of slavery studies, this comprehensive work offers an original and creative study of slavery and abolition in the Indian Ocean world during this period.
The Indian Ocean in World History explores the cultural exchanges that took place in this region from ancient to modern times.
This important collection of essays examines the history and impact of the abolition of the slave trade and slavery in the Indian Ocean World, a region stretching from Southern and Eastern Africa to the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia ...
The various manifestations of coerced labour between the opening up of the Atlantic world and the formal creation of Haiti.
For more: Susan S. Bean, Yankee India: American Commercial and Cultural Encounters with India in the Age of Sail, ... A Description of the Island Called St. Paulo, by the Dutch, and, by the English, Amsterdam (London: George Bigg ...
" Alpers has written a history of the penetration and changing character of international trade in East Central Africa from the fifteenth to the later nineteenth century.
Randy and Suzanne Whitfield read and patiently commented on a draft, and Clarkson McDow gave key feedback on the proposal. Maggie and Jeff Gumbinner, Randolph and Lauren McDow, Will and Leslie McDow, Mary Rincon, Eston Whitfield, ...