Understanding Criminal Law

Understanding Criminal Law
Understanding Criminal Law
Rodger Geary


Understanding Criminal Law clarifies a subject which students often find somewhat difficult and confusing. This difficulty stems partly from the rapid changes which criminal law undergoes, through frequent statutory amendments and judicial decisions, but more importantly from the sheer complexity of the subject matter. This book provides a clear and concise text for those studying traditional black-letter substantive criminal law. The author takes a logical and straightforward approach, specifically designed to enable the reader to quickly master the basic principles and ensure examination success. Emphasis is given to major case law, relevant statutory provisions and writings of academic commentators. In selected areas the book evaluates the law and suggests possible reforms; this evaluative aspect is intended to stimulate the reader to think more critically about the subject without engendering confusion about basic principles. Although designed primarily for full-time undergraduate LLB students, the book should also prove useful for those studying criminal law on part-time courses, as well as those on Diploma in Law courses, and students of A and AS Level Law. It is also ideal for the study of criminal law on modular courses and joint degrees.

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