Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: Religious Education provides specific guidance on: recognising high ability and multiple intelligences planning, differentiation and extension/enrichment in RE teacher questioning skills support for more able pupils with special educational needs (dyslexia, ADHD, sensory impairment) homework recording and assessment beyond the classroom: Visits, summer schools, masterclasses, links with universities, businesses and other organisations. This book includes comprehensive appendices with linked resources available online that feature: useful contacts and resources lesson plans liaison sheets for Teaching Assistants homework activities monitoring sheets. This book is essential for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (Gifted and Talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
The book features comprehensive appendices and an accompanying CD with: Useful contacts and resources Lesson and homework ideas Audit and record keeping frameworks For secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, Leading Teachers for G ...
This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (gifted and talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
Including access to online materials this book is essential reading for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, Gifted and Talented co ordinators, SENCos and LA advisers.
This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, Leading Teachers for G&T Education (Gifted and Talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
Meeting the Needs of Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils in RE: A Practical Resource for RE Teachers in Primary and...
Washington DC: Thompson Publishing Group. Thompson Publishing Group retains its copyright to this material. HANDOUT 4.3 Chapter 4 Self-Evaluation: Leading Beyond Inclusion Directions: Complete STANDARDS FOR PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL SAFETY ...
Learning to Teach Religious Education in the Secondary School draws together insights from current educational theory and the best contemporary classroom teaching and learning, and suggests tasks, activities, and further reading designed to ...
This book includes: The case for letting pupils with special needs engage with the 'big issues'; How to use classroom displays to reiterate and encourage learning; Organising and coordinating visits and expeditions.
This second edition has been thoroughly updated throughout to take account of changes to policy and the curriculum.
Addressing. Special. Educational. Needs. and. Disability. in. the. Curriculum. Series. editor: Linda. Evans. Children and young people with a diverse range of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are expected to access the ...