The potential for cognitive neuroscience to shed light on social behaviour is increasingly being acknowledged and is set to become an important new approach in the field of psychology. Standing at the vanguard of this development, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Social Behaviour provides a state-of-the-art contribution to a subject still in its infancy. Divided into three parts, the book presents an overview of research into neural substrates of social interactions, the cognitive neuroscience of social cognition and human disorders of social behaviour and cognition.
This compelling volume provides a broad and accessible overview of the emerging field of social neuroscience.
Server “T” “W” Camera FIGURE 4.6. Schematic representation of two conditions presented during the Cacioppo et al.'s tennis study. Participants had to predict whether their opponent would serve on the wide side of the tennis court (W) or ...
Neuroscientists and cognitive scientists have collaborated for more than a decade with the common goal of understanding how the mind works.
The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience marks the emergence of a third broad perspective in this field.
A comprehensive survey of the growing field of social neuroscience.
Recent years have seen an explosion of research into the physiological and neural bases of social behavior. This state-of-the science handbook is unique in approaching the topic from a developmental perspective.
Shin, L. M., Dougherty, D. D., Orr, S. P., Pitman, R. K., Lasko, M., Macklin, M. L., et al. (2000). Activation of anterior paralimbic structures during guilt-related script-driven imagery. Biological Psychiatry, 48, 43–50.
Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind Alexander Todorov, Susan Fiske, Deborah Prentice, Deborah A. Prentice. Rwanda, respectively, Blacks as ... In J. Cacioppo, & G. Berntson (Eds.), Essays in Social Neuroscience.
Indeed, there has been a dramatic growth in social neuroscience over the past two decades. Subareas within the broad perspective of ... and comparative social neuroscience. Work in each of these fields is represented in this Handbook.
Ultimately, this book demonstrates how the brain mediates social behaviour and provides a foundational textbook for this nascent field"--