Until now, almost all books on logical database design focused exclusively on relational design. However, modern database management systems have added powerful features that have driven a movement away from truly normalized database design. Logical Database Design Principles reflects these recent changes. The book begins by covering traditional lo
Principles of Database Design: Logical organizations
This work has been revised and updated to provide a comprehensive treatment of database design for commercial database products and their applications.
In this book, Ingram shares his secrets to building software that must not fail and he explains why everything developers do during the process of software development impacts the overall outcome of a project.
The common examples are based on real-life experiences and have been thoroughly class-tested. This book is immediately useful to anyone tasked with the creation of data models for the integration of large-scale enterprise data.
In Matthias Jarke, Michael J. Carey, Klaus R. Dittrich, Frederick H. Lochovsky, Pericles Loucopoulos, and Manfred A. Jeusfeld, editors, VLDB97 Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, August 25-29, 1997, ...
Introductory, theory-practice balanced text teaching the fundamentals of databases to advanced undergraduates or graduate students in information systems or computer science.
Database: Principles Programming Performance provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of database systems. This book focuses on database programming and the relationships between principles, programming, and performance.
This edition will appeal to professional data modelers and database design professionals, including database application designers, and database administrators (DBAs); new/novice data management professionals, such as those working on ...
Entity-Relationship (ER) modeling is a popular method for representing data requirements, and for conceptual database design. This volume is for anyone designing or studying databases. Detailed real-life case studies are...
[Neu96] K. Neumann, Datenbanktechnik für Anwender. Hanser, München, 1996. [Ngu89] A. H. H. Ngu, Conceptual transaction modeling. IEEE TKDE, 1(4), 1989, 508–518. [Nic78] J.-M. Nicolas, First-order logic formalization for functional, ...