This edition was conceived and compiled to meet the need for a comprehensive book for practitioners, academics, and students on the research of emotions in organizational behavior. The book is the first of its kind to incorporate organizational behavior and bounded emotionality. The editors' primary aim is to communicate the research presented at the bi-annual International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life to a wider audience. This edition looks at the range of research on emotions within an organizational behavior framework; organized in terms of the individual, interpersonal, and organizational levels. Particular emphasis has been placed on obtaining the leading research in the international sphere. This book is intended to be useful to the student of organizational behavior, as well as to the managers of organizations.
The introduction reviews the expansion of organizational emotion studies and their appeal to several social-scientific disciplines. Divided into four parts, the book reveals through stories, interview
This title showcases a collection of the work advancing knowledge and practice in these areas.
In this book, the authors provide up-to-date thinking and research on the broad range of emotional experience in working environments with particular attention to the causes of emotional change, the consequences of emotional experience for ...
For example, Dent and Goldberg (1999) argue that the concept of resistance has moved away from the homeostatic systems notion initially proposed by Lewin's field theory to be viewed as a psychological characteristic of the individual ...
... building, defending, and regulating the self: A psychological perspective (pp. 217À243). Hove, NY: Psychology Press. Krazen, M., Kaschel, R., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Individual ... Self-regulatory processes 440 JASON J. DAHLING ET AL. References.
This book, the sixteenth in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's Organizational Frontiers Series, represents a significant and successful effort to compile in one volume the various psychological theories about the ...
This volume of Research on Emotions in Organizations demonstrates the ubiquitousness of emotions and effects of emotions in organizational setting - starting from what goes on in the boardroom, extending right down to the way employees at ...
This volume explores the role that emotion plays in such diverse organizational phenomena as entrepreneurship, change, service failure, and creativity.
The chapters in this volume of Research on Emotion in Organizations book show how negative emotions at work can be intense, and can be due to feelings of failure, rejection, job insecurity, negative feedback, stressful work demands, role ...
This volume contains a further selection of the best papers presented at the Seventh Emonet conference (Montreal, Canada, August 2010), following on from Volume 7 and is augmented with invited chapters by leading scholars in the field.