Drawing on interview data, the authors describe K-3 students' knowledge and thinking about basic aspects of the social world that are addressed in the elementary social studies curriculum. The interviews focused on human activities relating to nine cultural universals that are commonly addressed in the elementary social studies curriculum: food, clothing, shelter, communication, transportation, family living, childhood, money, and government. This volume synthesizes findings from the research and discusses their implications for curriculum and instruction in early social studies. Children's Thinking About Cultural Universals significantly expands the knowledge base on developments in children's social knowledge and thinking and, in addition, provides a wealth of information to inform social studies educators' and curriculum developers' efforts to match instruction to students' prior knowledge, both by building on already developed valid knowledge and by addressing common misconceptions. It represents a quantum leap in the availability of information on the trajectories of children's knowledge about common topics in primary elementary social studies education.
Rovee-Collier and her colleagues have used this procedure successfully with infants as young as 2 months of age. For example, Margaret Sullivan, Carolyn Rovee-Collier, and Derek Tynes (1979) varied the delayed memory test between 48 and ...
... Children's Knowledge and Thinking as a Basis for Social Studies For additional research to improve instruction, Brophy and Alleman did a major work on what children in the early grades know and think about cultural universals. Titled ...
How American Jewish Children Think About Israel Sivan Zakai. Friedrich, N., Teichert, L., & Devadas, Z. (2017). The ... Hare and tortoise race across Israel. Minneapolis, MN: Kar- Ben. Gerber, K. A., & Mazor, A. (2003). Mapping Israel ...
More than simply learning about key topics, this collection invites readers to think through some of the most relevant, dynamic, and challenging questions animating social studies education today.
Roth, K. (1996). Making learners and concepts central: A conceptual change approach to learner-centered, fifth-grade American history planning and teaching. In J. Brophy (Ed.), Advances in research on teaching.
This step-by-step guide shows teachers how homework assignments can connect with the curriculum and with students lives, including strategies and sample assignments for all grade levels."
Social studies excursions Kâ3 (Book 3): Powerful units on childhood, money and government. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Brophy, J., Alleman, J., & Halvorsen, A. (2013). Powerful social studies for elementary students.
... Play Therapy and Expressive Arts in a Complex and Dynamic World Opportunities and Challenges Inside and Outside the Playroom Edited by Isabella Cassina, Claudio Mochi and Karen Stagnitti The Yew Chung Approach to Early Childhood ...
History is alive: Teaching children about changes over time. Social Studies, 94, 97â110. Alleman, J., & Brophy, J. (2003b). Social studies excursions, K-3. Book Three: Powerful units on childhood, money, and government.
... Children's concepts of empathy and understanding in history. In C. Portal (Ed.), The history curriculum for teachers ... thinking about cultural universals. Mahwah, NJ: Routledge. Brophy, J., 86 Alleman, (2007). Powerful social studies ...