With articles dealing with denomination, law, public policy and financing this anthology grants an evenhanded view of the impact of religion on our nation's public schools.
Warren Nord's thoughtful book tackles an issue of great importance in contemporary America: the role of religion in our public schools and universities. According to Nord, public opinion has been...
Luther, Martin. The Bondage of the Will. 1525. Reprinted in Martin Luther: Selections from His writings, edited by John Dillenberger. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1961. . A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. 1531.
In this book, Benjamin Justice and Colin Macleod take up this rich and significant history of conflict with renewed clarity and astonishing breadth.
Centuries of childhood: A social history of family life (R. Baldick, Trans.). New York: Alfred A. Knopf ... The fourth R: Conflicts over religion in America's public schools. ... In D. Wood (Ed.), The church and childhood (pp. 405¥416).
George W. Hunter, A Civic Biology (New York, 1914), 195–196, 261–263. See also Alan Stoskopf, Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement (Boston, 2002). 36. William Jennings Bryan, “Who Shall Control?,” in William ...
The issues that these authors address in this book are some of the most salient in American society. It is imperative that Americans today address these issues and establish an appropriate world view.
(Thorndike, 1918, reprinted in Cohen, 1974, p. 2247) Thorndike was expressing in the language of science and systematization the Progressive belief in the transformation of Americans by means of education. (The idea that science is a ...
Thomas does not take sides in the arguments; rather, he lays out the arguments, their historical and cultural contexts, and the groups that debate them and their goals. --From publisher description.
public discussion, 18, 55, 69; belief and, 59—64; Rawls on, 60; religious arguments for, 56; Thiemann on, 62—63; ... See also freedom of religion; study of religion Religion and Schooling in Contemporary America (Hunt and Carper), ...
Never before in the history of the United States has there been such profound debate over curricula and programs in the public schools. Politically active Christian conservatives, often identified as...