The purpose of this book is to share, in rich detail, an understanding of how it feels and what it means to do qualitative research, and to provide support for doctoral students who choose this form of inquiry for their dissertation research.
... J. A., 48 Smith, K., 254 Spencer, L., 187 Spiers, J., 162 Spirduso, S.J., 65, 164, 170 Squire, C., 51 Stake, R. E., 46, 170, 185, 192, 273 Sternberg, D., 96, 254, 256, 263 Stewart, D. W., 156, 174 Strauss, A., 50, 106, 131,
This book is a significant step towards helping doctoral learners write better proposals and the final dissertation.
Drawing from the challenges author Nathan Durdella has experienced while supervising students, the book breaks down producing the dissertation chapter into smaller pieces and goes through each portion of the methodology process step by step ...
This guide helps you determine their research topic, choose appropriate methods, turn a hypothesis into a study, complete a literature review, write and defend a proposal, collect and analyze data, write up the study, and ultimately defend ...
This text provides the perfect companion for writers of almost any skill level, from undergraduates to professionals.
Using lively examples and friendly tips gleaned from his own and other researchers' experiences, and a warm, reflective writing style, Harry F Wolcott offers readers suggestions for writing up qualitative research.
This comprehensive manual offers direction for every step of the thesis or dissertation process, from choosing an appropriate topic to adapting the finished work for publication.
This book addresses foundational areas of qualitative writing (such as journal articles and dissertations), aesthetic representations (including poetry and autoethnography), publishing, and reflexivity in representation in one practical and ...
But Holly learned to manage her conflicting feelings and one night, several months after she started work, she came to feel more a part of the Brady family. It started when she accidentally spilled a drink on the bouncer— he had ...
Unique to this text is a chapter on creating your own phenomenological method which allows students to expand their viewpoints and experiment in future studies after the dissertation.