This book is the final product of the "excellence project"--a comprehensive research effort commissioned by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Research Foundation. Going well beyond any of the previously published reports on the Excellence study, this book contains many new statistical analyses of the survey data and more details from the case studies. Discussing theory and data related to several ongoing discussions in the communication profession, this book answers the following questions: *How can we show the value of public relations? *What is the value of relationships? *How do relationships affect reputation? *What does it mean to practice communication strategically? *How can we measure and evaluate the effects of public relations programs? *Should communication programs be integrated? *How does the new female majority in the profession affect communication Excellence? This book, as well as the research it reports, is the product of symmetrical communication and collaboration. As such, it is intended for scholars, applied researchers, students, and informed professionals who understand the value of research in developing a profession, such as public relations. Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods will make it easier to understand the book; however, the results are interpreted in a way that makes the analyses understandable even to those with little or no knowledge of statistics and research methods.
This book reports findings of a three-nation study of public relations and communication management sponsored by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Research Foundation.
This book is the initial volume coming out of the "excellence project"--a comprehensive research effort commissioned by the IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) Research Foundation.
The Future of Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management brings together a stellar collection of public relations scholars to address the question: What will happen to continue the seminal theory building in public ...
Unique in structure, this text arranges chapters by function, rather than theory, allowing readers to see how multiple theories can be applied to each public relations function and how theories can be used in different professional settings ...
The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication THIS NEW EDITION of The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication contains a comprehensive collection of practical knowledge about successful corporate communication and its effect on an ...
Exploring the implications of 10 years of data from more than 21,000 communication professionals across Europe, combined with case studies and interviews with senior communication directors from top European companies and organisations, ...
Matteson, M. T., McMahan, J. F., 86 McMahan, M. (1974). Sex differences and job attitudes: Some unexpected findings. Psychological Reports, 35, 1333—1334. Matthews, A. (1991, April 17). Alma maters court their daughters.
Unifies social science research and management theory with public relations techniques to provide a solid theoretical foundation.
Public Relations and Communication Management serves as a festschrift honoring the work of public relations scholars James E. Gruning and Larissa A. Grunig.
Thomas (2004) offers a very useful discussion of definitional issues and the problems that occur with attempting to construct a broad all-encompassing definition. Nevertheless – and this echoes closely the definitions of a pressure ...