Extended critical case studies provide a tangible working expression of the labour process of teaching, showing how teachers are simultaneously experiencing significant changes to their work, as well as responding in ways that actively shape these processes. For teachers and researchers, this book shows what processes are at work in the global economy which impact on, and sometimes control, the role of the teacher. It also reveals how teachers accommodate, resist or redefine their working circumstances, and explores methods researchers might employ in order to increase our understanding and knowledge of the effect of globalization on teaching.
The International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching provides a fresh look at the ever changing nature of the teaching profession throughout the world.
Smyth, J., Dow, A., Hattam, R., Reid, A. and Shacklock, G. (2000) Teachers' Work in a Globalizing Economy, London: Falmer Press. Taylor, D. (2009) Aide Memoire: Value for money guidance for vote ministers, http://www.
Work and Stress, 5(3), 205–216. doi:10.1080/02678379108257019 Sergiovanni, T. J. (1992). ... In S. J. Ball & I. F. Goodson (Eds.), Teachers' lives and careers (pp. 27–60). ... Teacher's work in a globalizing economy.
Schoolwork: Approaches to the labour process of teaching. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. ... In M. Ginsburg (Ed), Understanding educational reform in global context, pp. 854114. ... Teachers 'work in a globalizing economy.
Social Justice in the Globalized Classroom. Jenson, J., & Saint-Martin, ... Introduction: Education research and policy–steering the knowledge-based economy. ... A class act: Changing teachers' work, the state, and globalisation.
Smyth, J. and Shacklock, G. (1998), Re-Making Teaching, Routledge, London. Smyth, J. et al (2000), Teachers' Work in a Globalizing Economy, Falmer Press, London. Spretnak, C. (1991), States of Grace: The Recovery of Meaning in the ...
Rawlins, Peter, Jill Brandon, Jan Chapman, Linda Leach, Guyon Neutze, Adele Scott and Nick Zepke. 2005. “Standards-Based Assessment in the ... Reprinted in Justice: A Reader, edited by Michael J. Sandel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ...
Against common sense: Teaching and learning toward social justice. ... Students' need for belonging in the school community. ... Activist and socially critical school and community renewal: Social justice in exploitative times.
Parts one and two of this volume present the theoretical lenses used to study the social contexts of education.
This book explores how changes in the new world economy are affecting the education of male and female workers.