This book provides school administrators, school-based mental health professionals, and other educational professionals with the framework and tools needed to establish a comprehensive safe learning environment. The authors identify four necessary phases to achieve this (prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery) and provide numerous examples and tools to help readers create safe environments, while also addressing students’ academic, emotional, and social needs. An emphasis is placed on the importance of the balance between physical and psychological safety within a multi-tiered framework - it is not enough for students to know their school is secure; they must also feel they are safe and can turn to their teachers and school-based mental health professionals with their concerns. An accompanying CD contains several valuable resources, such as forms, handouts, articles, and monitoring tools.
This book informs school mental health professionals, administrators, and teachers about multi-tiered service delivery, organizational development, and facilitating the implementation process.
This is a masterful volume: comprehensive, accessible, and way overdue.
This edition includes far-reaching suggestions for research that could increase the impact that classroom teaching has on actual learning.
This publication is the first report from the OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). It provides quantitative, policy-relevant information on the teaching and learning environment in schools in 23 countries.
Written by authors with extensive experience of working with students with dyslexia, this book provides clear guidance and practical strategies for dyslexia-friendly practice for those working with young people aged 14 to 19 and adults in ...
The untold story of the root cause of America's education crisis--and the seemingly endless cycle of multigenerational poverty.
Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Teaching and Learning
This is a masterful volume: comprehensive, accessible, and way overdue.
Dorph, R., Goldstein, D., Lee, S., Lepori, K., Schneider, S., & Venkatesan, S. (2007). The status of science education in the Bay Area: Research study e-report. Berkeley: University of California. Dovidio, J. F., & Gaertner, S. L. ...
This book presents the main findings of a study on school learning environments and student outcomes, which the World Bank conducted in 2019 in three regions of the Russian Federation.