What does it mean to be visually literate? Does it mean different things in the arts and the sciences? In the West, in Asia, or in developing nations? If we all need to become "visually literate," what does that mean in practical terms? The essays gathered here examine a host of issues surrounding "the visual," exploring national and regional ideas of visuality and charting out new territories of visual literacy that lie far beyond art history, such as law and chemistry. With an afterword by Christopher Crouch, this groundbreaking collection brings together the work of major art and visual studies scholars and critics to explore what impact the new concept of "visual literacy" will have on the traditional field of art history. Contributors: Matthias Bruhn, Vera Dünkel, Jonathan Crary, Christopher Crouch, Peter Dallow, James Elkins, Henrik Enquist, W.J.T. Mitchell, Richard K. Sherwin, Susan Shifrin, Jon Simons, Barbara Maria Stafford, William Washabaugh
The task of creative visual communication is to interpret problems in a personal way while meeting the practical communicative needs of others. This book is divided into two main parts....
Deblase, G. (2007). Learning to speak in a political voice. English Education, 39(2), 117–119. Duke, N. K., & Pearson, P. D. (2002). Effective practices for developing reading comprehension. In A. E. Farstrup & S. J. Samuels (Eds.), ...
This method of learning to see and read visual data has already been proved in practice, in settings ranging from Harlem to suburbia. Appropriately, the book makes some of its most telling points through visual means.
Rhonda S. Robinson is Professor of Education at Northern Illinois University ( NIU ) , where she directs the Masters degree program and teaches courses in instructional technology research , design , and development .
This volume is focused on teaching and learning with visuals and provides innovative examples of teaching with images in both disciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts"--Page four of cover.
Jo Anne Vasquez. Claire Reinburg, Director Jennifer Horak, Managing Editor Andrew Cooke, Senior Editor Judy Cusick, Senior Editor Wendy Rubin, Associate Editor Amy America, Book Acquisitions Coordinator ...
Year 3–4 Resources A scanned page from a comic Interactive whiteboard Comic panel sheet (see Figure 3.7). ... Choose a page from a comic which has a variation of panel shapes and sizes (this can probably be found in the pages of most ...
(From Cressida's Classroom by David Drew and Robert Roennfeldt.) (View this figure in color at http://www.stenhouse.com/iswym.) IN COLOR room. It has “lost” some details in the top view and changed others. The keys on the piano keyboard ...
Visual Literacy Skills: How to See
This book addresses the link between visual literacy - people's ability to interpret and skillfully use images - and art museums. Art museums invite you to look at objects in different ways.