Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning synthesizes the existing body of research on the role of peer interaction in second language learning in one comprehensive volume. In spite of the many hours that language learners spend interacting with peers in the classroom, there is a tendency to evaluate the usefulness of this time by comparison to whole class interaction with the teacher. Yet teachers are teachers and peers are peers – as partners in interaction, they are likely to offer very different kinds of learning opportunities. This book encourages researchers and instructors alike to take a new look at the potential of peer interaction to foster second language development. Acknowledging the context of peer interaction as highly dynamic and complex, the book considers the strengths and limitations of peer work from a range of theoretical perspectives. In doing so, Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning clarifies features of effective peer interaction for second language learning across a range of educational contexts, age spans, proficiency levels, and classroom tasks and settings.
This collection offers an in-depth study of children's peer talk and its potential impact on children's learning.
Understanding communication in second language classrooms. New York: Cambridge University Press. John-Steiner, V. (1992). Private speech among adults. In L. E. Berk & R. M. Diaz (Eds.), Private speech: From social interaction to ...
This is an essential resource for students new to ISLA, or working in second language acquisition more generally.
Teaching through Peer Interaction presents research of peer interaction and language learning for teachers, including background on peer interaction in classroom language learning, guidelines for adopting and adapting opportunities in real ...
The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness is a comprehensive and informative overview of the broad field of language awareness.
connected speech forms may not be considered a part of ELF (English as a lingua franca, that is, English spoken as a common language among ... Unpublished doctoral Pronunciation exercises in English. ... The second language learning.
This book takes as its starting point the assumption that interpersonal communication is a crucial aspect of successful language learning.
This book is designed to provide practical applications of sociocultural theory with regard to teachers’ roles in second language education.
Corrective feedback is a vital pedagogical tool in language learning. This is the first volume to provide an in-depth analysis and discussion of the role of corrective feedback in second and foreign language learning and teaching.
Bringing together current research, analysis, and discussion of the role of corrective feedback in second language teaching and learning, this volume bridges the gap between research and pedagogy by identifying principles of effective ...