Extending the themes of Contemporary Psychoanalytic Foundations, The Therapeutic Situation in the 21st Century is a systematic reformulation of fundamental psychoanalytic concepts, such as transference, therapeutic action, and the uses of psychotropic drugs, in the light of recent developments in postmodernism, complexity theory, and neuroscience. Leffert offers formulations of areas not previously considered in any depth by psychoanalysts, such as power relations in the analytic couple, social matrix theory, and narrative theory informed by considerations of archaeology, genealogy, complexity, memory, and recall. He also considers new areas, such as the role of uncertainty and love in the therapeutic situation. This book is part of an ongoing effort to place psychoanalysis in the current century, and looks to outside as well as inside areas of thought to inform how we work and how we think about our work.
Wilen, W., Ishler, M., Hutchinson, J. & Kinds- vatter, R. (2000). Dynamics of Effective Teaching (4th ed ... Aronson, E., Blaney, N., Stephen, C., Sikes, J. & Snapp, M. (1978). ... Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T. & Holubec, E. J. (1994).
New to this Edition A list of goals before each chapter presents an overview of the chapter’s content focus, and provides an outline for the chapter review.
This unique new book enters into the middle and high school teaching methods market with an intimate, first-person approach, and an emphasis on reflective teaching. Reader, biography, teaching philosophy, and...
This book has an abundance of time-saving, practical strategies for teachers in grades 6-12.
... Executive Director; Stefani Roth, Publisher; Genny Ostertag, Director, Content Acquisitions; Julie Houtz, Director, Book Editing & Production; Miriam Goldstein, Editor; Georgia Park, Senior Graphic Designer; Kyle Steichen, ...
... University at Albany Arthur N. Applebee Judith A. Langer Kristen Campbell Wilcox Marc Nachowitz Michael P. Mastroianni Christine Dawson Linda Baker Renee Banzhaf Ae Lee Lee Chin Ee Loh David Manarel Jason Vickers Sharon Wiles ...
A dynamic guide to improving student achievement through high impact teaching practices and school improvement
Retrieved from www.nytimes.com/2020/11/30/us/teachers-remote-learningburnout.html Swenson, J., Rozema, R., Young, C. A., McGrail, E., & Whitin, P. (2005). Beliefs about technology and the preparation of English teachers: Beginning the ...
This book demonstrates how to make your classroom more responsive to the needs of individual students with a wide variety of learning styles, interests, goals, cultural backgrounds, and prior knowledge.
... J., Mithaug, D., Cox, P., Peterson, L., Van Dycke, J., & Cash, M. (2003). Increasing self-determination: Teaching students to plan, work, evaluate, and adjust. Exceptional Children, 69(4), 431–447. Mason, L. (2004).