From New York to Los Angeles, police departments across the country are consistently accused of racism. Although historically white police precincts have been slowly integrating over the past few decades, African-American officers still encounter racism on the job. Bolton and Feagin have interviewed fifty veteran African-American police officers to provide real-life and vivid examples of the difficulties and discrimination these officers face everyday inside and outside the police station from barriers in hiring and getting promoted to lack of trust from citizens and members of black community.
However, I do UNDERSTAND. It is my hope that this book will help to make sense out of the nonsense that was instrumental in the creation of a manifesto and the wrong thinking of one individual who challenged the LAPD machine.
"Horace's authority as an experienced officer, as well as his obvious integrity and courage, provides the book with a gravitas.
"A police officer currently serving as the Resource and Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Officer in York, Maine, candidly relates her story of her childhood poverty, abuse, and dysfunctional families that motivated her to make ...
Black & Blue is the first systematic description of how American doctors think about racial differences and how this kind of thinking affects the treatment of their black patients.
Provides insights to why police abuse African Americans, and what can be done about it.
Tells the story of Christine, a Deep South-born girl whose unshakable insistence on living the life she dreamed of helps her transcend the circumscribed existence she was told girls "should" settle for.--
Former police officer, co-founder of BLEXIT, and Founder and CEO of The Officer Tatum—Brandon Tatum shares his story and the stories of other police officers in the pages of his new book, Beaten Black and Blue.
BookShots Lightning-fast stories by James Patterson Novels you can devour in a few hours Impossible to stop reading All original content from James Patterson
Black and Blue explores the politics and history that led to this dramatic integration of organized labor. In the process, the book tells a broader story about how the Democratic Party unintentionally sowed the seeds of labor's decline.
How African Americans Judge the U.S. Legal System James L. Gibson, Michael Nelson ... In Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology, edited by James Lepkowski, N. Clyde Tucker, J. Michael Brick, Edith D. de Leeuw, Lilli Japec, ...