So much has changed during the past decade in political campaigning that we can almost say "it's a whole new ball game." This book analyzes the way campaigns were traditionally run and the extraordinary changes that have occurred in the last decade. Dennis W. Johnson looks at the most sophisticated techniques of modern campaigning—micro-targeting, online fundraising, digital communication, the new media—and examines what has changed, how those changes have dramatically transformed campaigning, and what has remained fundamentally the same despite new technologies and communications. Campaigns are becoming more open and free-wheeling, with greater involvement of activists and average voters alike. But they can also become more chaotic and difficult to control. Campaigning in the Twenty-First Century presents daunting challenges for candidates and professional consultants as they try to get their messages out to voters. Ironically, the more open and robust campaigns become, the greater is the need for seasoned, flexible and imaginative professional consultants.
In Winning Power, Tom Flanagan draws on decades of experience teaching political science and managing political campaigns to inform readers about what goes on behind the scenes.
Winning Elections in the 21st Century is a handbook for candidates, campaign staff and volunteers and a textbook for students who want to know how campaigns are run and won today.
A debate-style reader provides an introduction to a series of controversial political issues, followed by arguments presenting opposing viewpoints on the topic.
Written in an engaging, accessible style that is geared to an undergraduate audience, the text ignites readers awareness that the essence of politics is talk or human interaction.
Political Campaign Strategy: Doing Democracy in the 21st Century
... From Jazz Babies to Generation Next: The History ofthe American Teenager Good Women of a Well-Blessed Land: Women's Lives in Colonial America Into the Land of Freedom: African Americans in Reconstruction Journalists At Risk ...
This book seeks to explain why Ohio is, and has been, at the center of American elections.
In Horror Framing and the General Election, Montgomery argues that the horror genre has become a dominant framework in U.S. presidential campaign advertising.
President. The. Last. 20th-Century. Campaign. Thomas. N. Edmonds. DOI: 10.4324/9780203758144-11 By the time polling stations closed on November 6, 2012, the world knew that Barack Obama had won a second term at the White House.
Barack Obama has been called a transformative and transcendental figure, and this book shows just how significant the movement behind him was for the politics of the United States.