Following the restructuring process which swept away the traditional manufacturing economy of the inner city 25 years ago, new industries are transforming these former post-industrial landscapes. These creative, technology-intensive industries include Internet services, computer graphics and imaging, and video game production. The development dynamics of these new sectors are volatile in comparison with those of the classic ‘Industrial City’. But these new industries highlight the unique role of the inner city in facilitating creative processes, innovation and social change. Further, they reflect the intensity of interaction between the ‘global’ and the ‘local’ in the metropolis, and represent key agencies of urban place-making and re-imaging. This book addresses the critical intersections between process and place which underpin the formation of creative enterprises in the emergent industrial districts of the ‘new inner city’. It contains intensive case studies of industrial restructuring within exemplary sites in prominent world cities such as London, Singapore, San Francisco and Vancouver. The studies demonstrate the global reach of development and innovation across these cities and sites, marked by clustering, rapid firm turnover, and interdependency between production and consumption activity. The evocative case studies, brought to life by interviews, sequential mapping exercises, media narratives, and photography, also disclose the importance of local factors (including urban scale, built form, property markets and policy) which shape both the specific industrial structures and socio-economic impacts. The New Economy of the Inner City places inner city new industry formation within the development history of the city, and underscores its role in larger processes of urban transformation. The findings inform a critique and synthesis of urban theory which frame the evolving conditions of the 21st century metropolis. This book would be useful to researchers and students of Geography, Urban Studies, Economics and Planning.
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Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780415771344 .
According to Porter, “economic distress of America's inner cities” is due to “lack of businesses and jobs,” which effects “not only a crushing cycle of poverty but also crippling social problems such as drug abuse and crime.
The text is clear and accessible, with pedagogical features and illustrative case studies integrated throughout.
New Economic Spaces in Asian Cities offers a vivid contribution to our understanding of the ongoing transformation of Asia’s urban system, including the critical intersections of global and local-regional dynamics in processes of new ...
These include a cafe ́ that operates onsite at Southwest Key's East Austin headquarters, a maintenance company, a job placement ... JASON MCDONALD, RACIAL DYNAMICS IN EARLY TWENTIETH-CENTURY AUSTIN, TEXAS 102–103 (2012); LORNA A. MONTI, ...
... J. L. Kornblum, and A. Haber (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1965), pp. 261-70; D. Matza, “The Disreputable Poor,” in Class, Status, and Power: A Reader in Social Stratification, ed. R. Bendix and S. M. Lipset (New York: ...
In this revelatory book, Sudhir Venkatesh takes us into Maquis Park, a poor black neighborhood on Chicago's Southside, to explore the desperate and remarkable ways in which a community survives.
Professor Harvey echoes Marx's idea, popularised by Professor J. K. Galbraith, that capitalist corporations can make consumers buy anything they choose to produce. The capitalist market exchange economy so penetrates every aspect of ...
Marshaling a vast array of data and the personal stories of hundreds of men and women, Wilson persuasively argues that problems endemic to America's inner cities--from fatherless households to drugs and violent crime--stem directly from the ...