This introductory textbook provides a thorough guide to the management of food and beverage outlets, from their day-to-day running through to the wider concerns of the hospitality industry. It explores the broad range of subject areas that encompass the food and beverage market and its five main sectors – fast food and popular catering, hotels and quality restaurants and functional, industrial, and welfare catering. New to this edition are case studies covering the latest industry developments, and coverage of contemporary environmental concerns, such as sourcing, sustainability and responsible farming. It is illustrated in full colour and contains end-of-chapter summaries and revision questions to test your knowledge as you progress. Written by authors with many years of industry practice and teaching experience, this book is the ideal guide to the subject for hospitality students and industry practitioners alike.
This book propses systematic approaches to the design, planning and control of food and beverage operations and recognises the need to manage operations as operating systems.
This 6th edition has been updated and revised to take account of current trends within education and the HLT industries, including changes brought about by COVID and Brexit, as well the impact of the increasing use kitchen/service robotics, ...
This book is an introduction to the management of food and beverage operations within a luxury hotel environment.
Written in a clear, accessible and distinctive style, this is a comprehensive text for all areas of Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Hotel and Catering Management.
Food and Beverage Management: Xplana Bundle
This fifth edition of the best-selling textbook Food and Beverage Management for the hospitality, tourism & event industries has been updated and revised to take account of current trends within education and the hospitality, tourism and ...
This text will enable managers and students alike to recognise all the contributing factors to a successful food and beverage operation.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
All foods are served from the left , and beverages are served from the right . Dishes are removed from the right . An exception to this rule is the ... 3 Food and Beverage Managers Food and beverage is far 58 Food and Beverage Service.
Textbook Of Food & Bevrge Mgmt