Reviews of the First Edition `...valuable and enjoyable reading for all studying Shakespeare's plays.' Following in the patternestablished by John Russell Brown for the excellent series (Theatre and Production Studies), he provides first an account of Shakespeare's company, then a study of three individual plays Twelfth Night, Hamlet and Macbeth as performed by the company. Peter Thomson writes in a crisp, sharp, enlivening style.' TLS '`...the best analysis yet of Elizabethan acting practices, excavated form the texts themselves rather than reconstructed on basis of one monolithic theory, and an essay on Hamlet that is a model of Critical intelligence and theatrical invention.' Yearbook of English Studies `Synthesizes the important facts and summarizes projects with a vigorous prose style, and expertly applies his experience in both practical drama and academic teaching to his discussion.' Review of English Studies
Shakespeare's Theatre consolidates the author's forty years of experience in studying and staging Shakespeare's plays. Under an alphabetical list of relevant terms, names and concepts, the book reviews current knowledge...
Shakespeare's Theatres and The Effects of Performance is a landmark collection of essays by leading international scholars addressing these and other questions to create a unique and comprehensive overview of the practicalities and ...
In the present tense, tells of the times during which the Globe Theatre was built and gives its history; includes a pop-up theater, punch-out characters to use in it, and two booklets of scenes from Shakespeare's plays.
Many of these texts are made widely available here for the first time.A general introduction and short prefaces to each piece situate the writers and debates in the literary, social, political, and religious history of the time.
This volume presents a brief discussion about the characteristics of William Shakespeare's stages, the history of Elizabethan theaters, the physical conditions of the stage, the composition of the companies of actors, the influence of the ...
This book explores the theatre's first decade of productions under the pioneering leadership of Sir Mark Rylance.
Juliet Dusinberre (Arden Shakespeare, 2006), pp. 36-42, 349-54. (Both scholars describe their proposed addition of these lines to the end of each play as 'seamless'.) cits tradesman cleave the general ear present a shattering effect.
This book aims to fill that gap; Wagner's focus is specifically performative, asking after time as a stage phenomenon rather than a literary theme or poetic metaphor.
See Baldwin 1927, casting-chart between 434 and 435. On Rice's early career with the King's Men, see p. 61. Ecclestone appears in the actor-list for The Alchemist and he is not recorded with another company in the previous years, ...
Johnson , F. R. , Astronomical Thought in Renaissance England . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press , 1937 . Johnson , Lemuel A. , Shakespeare in Africa ( and Other Venues ) : Import and the Appropriation of Culture .