Clinical Psychology is for students studying clinical psychology as part of an undergraduate programme in psychology, nursing, sociology or social and behavioural sciences. Undergraduate students who wish to know if postgraduate study in clinical psychology would be of interest to them will find this book particularly useful. The book will inform students about: the profession of clinical psychology how to get onto a clinical psychology postgraduate training programme the way clinical psychologists work with children, adolescents and adults with common psychological problems the main models of practice used by clinical psychologists, and the scientific evidence for the effectiveness of psychological interventions. There is a focus on both clinical case studies and relevant research, and the book includes summaries, revision questions, advice on further reading and a glossaryof key terms, all of which make it an excellent student-friendly introduction to an exceptionally interesting subject.
Carney, S., Cowen, P., Geddes, J., Goodwin, G., Rogers, R., Dearness, K., et al. (2003). Efficacy and safety of electroconvulsive therapy in depressive disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet, 361(9360), 799–808.
This essential guide includes up-to-date information and guidance about a career in clinical psychology and gaining a place on clinical psychology training in the UK. It answers the questions all aspiring psychologists need to know, such as ...
The Clinical Psychologists: Background, Roles, and Functions
Each chapter of this book focuses on one aspect of the field (for example working with children, the intellectually impaired, or with addictions), and includes background information and context, the main types of problem presented, and the ...
Washington, DC: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Cahalan, D. (1982). Epidemiology: Alcohol use in American society. In E. L. Gomberg, H. R. White, & J. A. Carpenter (Eds.) Alcohol, science and society revisited (pp.
The text is designed for students in their first year of clinical psychology graduate training. * Includes assessment, treatment, and practice issues * Compares and contrasts different therapeutic styles * Exemplifies practical application ...
This is the first major text designed to help professionals and students evaluate the merits of popular yet controversial practices in clinical psychology, differentiating those that can stand up to the rigors of science from those that ...
Predicting dangerous behavior is very difficult and usually unreliable (Grisso & Appelbaum, 1992; Weiner & Hess, 2006). The legal system consults with psychologists to obtain guidance in determining whether someone should be ...
Filled with case examples that illustrate realistic clinical scenarios, this text offers: A detailed look at basic clinical tasks and skills that comprise the nuts and bolts of a practitioner's work Chapters on research, working with ...
Yet there is a tremendous need to disseminate empirically supported treatments such as CBT, in part due to federal and state initiatives, both nationally and abroad (see Clark et al., 2009; McHugh & Barlow, 2010).