Evidence in Context explains the key concepts of evidence law in England and Wales clearly and concisely, set against the backdrop of the broader social and theoretical contexts. It informs students of the major debates within the field, providing an explanation as to how and why the law has developed as it has. This third edition has been expanded to cover the field of civil evidence alongside its traditional criminal focus. It has also been thoroughly revised and updated to take into account recent developments in the law and the considerable amount of case law that has emerged since publication of the previous edition. This edition includes a new chapter structure, with new chapters on the adversarial trial and suspect evidence. Updated features include self test questions and advice on further reading at the end of each chapter key learning points which summarise the chapter as well as highlighting the most important issues New and updated chapters on topics such as adversarial trial, witnesses and suspect evidence. Addressing the evolving case law on subjects such as hearsay and bad character which were overhauled in the Criminal Justice Act 2003, this book is an essential purchase for anyone studying evidence law.
[Mitchell, 51] E. Prior Inconsistent Statement 81. 82. 83. 84. Jesse testifies in plaintiff's case. On cross, no mention is made of the loan. Plaintiff rests. Assume that the loan application is properly authenticated and offered by ...
"Evidence in Context is the perfect book for transforming an abstract knowledge of rules of evidence into a hands-on familiarity with how those rules work.
Evidence in Context is designed to create a fully contextual understanding of the law of evidence.
This book is part of the Context and Practice Series, edited by Michael Hunter Schwartz, Professor of Law and Dean of the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific.
William Twining is Quain Professor of Jurisprudence Emeritus, University College London, and a regular Visiting Professor at the University of Miami School ofLaw. His writings on evidence includeRethinking Evidence(2nd edn., ...
s. 24). Originally provided for by section 32 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, section 24 of the 1999 Act provides for ... evaluations of the live link were carried out in England and Wales by Davies and Noon,74 and in Scotland by ...
This text builds upon current and emerging models of evidence and advocacy instruction, creating synergy between doctrine and skills.
This book is part of the Context and Practice Series, edited by Michael Hunter Schwartz, Professor of Law and Dean of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Bowen School of Law.
The book draws on a large body of evidence acquired in the course of nearly fifty in-depth case studies, following attempts to introduce evidence-based practice in the UK NHS over more than a decade.
This text explores the current policy drivers influencing evidence based midwifery and covers topics such as problem-based learning, implementation of evidence-based guidelines and the role of the service-user and makes recommendations for ...