Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Tourism Policy and Planning
Business & Economics
Maria DelMastro Allen, Ginger Smith, Jason Swanson


For many communities and countries throughout the world tourism is the most valuable industry. Economic changes taking place in China, India, and the United States (with almost 3 billion people, half the world's population), for example, will have major impacts on the global tourism markets of tomorrow. Social-cultural changes in Europe, with borderless tourism crossings and a common currency, are increasing opportunities for tourism growth. East Asia and the Pacific Rim are experiencing unprecedented growth and change in tourism. From the perspective of economic policy, tourism for local communities is a vital economic development tool producing income, creating jobs, spawning new businesses, spurring economic development, promoting economic diversification, developing new products, and contributing to economic integration. If local and national governments are committed to broad based tourism policies, then tourism will provide its citizens with a higher quality of life while it generates sustained economic, environmental, and social benefits. The wellspring to future growth for tourism throughout the world is a commitment toward good policy. Governments, the private sector, and not-for-profit agencies must be the leaders in a sustainable tourism policy that transcends the economic benefits and embraces environmental and cultural interests as well. Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow addresses key ingredients for positive tourism policies and planning that will lead this generation and the next toward a greater quality of life resulting from tourism growth. The aim of this book is to provide government policy-makers (at all levels), business leaders, not-for-profit executives, university professors, students, tourism industry managers, and the general public with an introduction and examination of important policy and planning issues in tourism.

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