Few forces in contemporary society influence the fortunes of tourism destinations more immediately than sport. From football fans to kayaking, Sports Tourism Destinations: issues, opportunities and analysis examines the planning, development and management of sport tourism destinations. With contributions from international experts, this book looks at the dramatic effects sports tourism has on the economy and future of tourism destinations. Divided into four parts, the book systematically covers: Sports tourism destination analysis: applies principles of destination resource analysis to the study of sport tourism destinations Destination planning and development: illustrates the mutually beneficial links between sport, tourism and destination planning. Destination marketing and management: explores theoretical and applied aspects of sport tourism destination marketing and management Sport tourism impacts and environments: identifies and discusses critical issues of sustainable development at sport tourism destinations Practical case studies in each chapter illustrate and highlight the links between sport tourism theory and practice, making this book a vital resource for lecturers and students alike.
Sport Tourism Destinations: Issues, Opportunities and Analysis
Empirical studies vary widely. Studies on passive sport tourists (i.e. sport event tourists) differ from studies on active sport tourists. Active tourists are often divided into summer sport tourists and winter sport tourists.
Schaffer, W. and Davidson, L. (1985) Economic Impact of the Falcons on Atlanta: 1984. Suwanee, GA: The Atlanta Falcons. Schlossberg, H. (1996) Sports Marketing. Oxford: Blakewell. Schollmann, A., Perkins, H.C. and Moore ...
... Sky surfing Sky surfing is a type of skydiving in which the skydiver wears a board attached to his or her feet and performs surfing-style aerobatics during free-fall. The boards used are generally smaller than actual surfboards, and ...
This incisive book has been written to address that need and to stimulate the curiosity of students, educators and practitioners alike.
Sports tourism covers holiday travel involving activities such as water sports, mountaineering, winter sports, fishing as well as travel by tourists to major spectator sporting events. This study considers the...
Interestingly, the revival of the post-war Welsh economy, leading to increased capital investment and employment in the 1960s, resulted in a reversal of this outward migration and the 'second golden era' of Welsh rugby in the 1970s.
This book is an edited collection written by some of the top scholars working in a particular domain throughout the world, providing a compendium of theories and concepts that can be used to frame research on various aspects of sport ...
In confronting growing concerns around environmental, social and economic issues facing sports and tourism, this collection presents different perspectives to develop new plans for future needs and problems.
This book examines the economic, social and environmental impacts and issues associated with the development of sport tourism globally, including the lack of research and coordination between industry and government.