Young children start school already able to do a surprising amount of mathematics. This book examines the nature and origin of subject knowledge and is based on information gathered from observing the interactions between teachers and their first-year pupils. It demonstrates the necessity of the classroom teacher to draw on many kinds of knowledge in order to deal with various issues surrounding classroom learning and teaching. Two important core areas are knowledge of lesson structure and of subject matter; this book address the area of subject matter and, as such, it should be of interest to classroom teachers and lecturers in education.
This book presents chapters based on papers presented at the second POEM conference on early mathematics learning.
Talking about an order Children will experience order in many different contexts: putting dolls onto chairs in order of size; threading beads red, blue, red, blue, or making a printing pattern using alternately a sponge and a cork.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
Jack's Fantastic Voyage by Michael Foreman. Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers (and other Katie Morag stories) by Mairi Hedderwick. Develop narrative in voyage/ ferry boat/pirate role play. • SHAPE AND SPACE ...
Creative Teaching is not only for the arts: this unique and stimulating book shows how mathematics and mathematics teaching can be creative, exciting and enjoyable. Offering teachers a dynamic and...
Teaching Early Years Mathematics, Science and ICT helps teachers bridge theory and practice in teaching children aged 5 to 8 years.
In this book, 23 contributors offer new insights on key issues in mathematics education in early childhood.
Paths Toward Excellence and Equity National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Center for Education, Committee on Early Childhood Mathematics Heidi Schweingruber, Taniesha A. Woods, ...
How can stories inspire the teaching and learning of mathematics? This book explores the exciting ways in which story can be used as a flexible resource to facilitate children’s mathematical thinking.
This book provides more than ninety activities and learning center ideas that seamlessly integrate STEM throughout early childhood classrooms.