Social capital - the informal networks, trust and common understanding among individuals in an organization - determines major competitive advantages in today's networked economy. Knowledge and Social Capital explains how social capital can drive collaboration, reconcile an organization's internal and external labor markets, and improve organizational effectiveness. This edited compilation of authoritative articles helps readers understand how they can build and capitalize on their own organizations' social capital. Knowledge and Social Capital teaches core principles and important strategies to a range of executives, including organizational development specialists, corporate strategists, and knowledge management professionals. Readers will learn how an organization can:
This book analyzes the social capital of the growing knowledge economy, from both theoretical and empirical points of view.
Moreover, this book promotes an understanding on how to learn from different cultures and enhance absorptive capacity by interacting with different personalities and cultures.
Intangible value leads to new insights and ideas, and higher levels of creativity and innovative thinking. Personal knowledge capital focuses on the knowledge worker, knowledge creation, and third generation knowledge management.
Essay from the year 2004 in the subject Philosophy - Miscellaneous, grade: HD, Murdoch University (Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy), course: Self, Sustainability and Society, language: English, abstract: The Brundtland ...
This collection of thirteen essays by computer scientists, sociologists, communication specialists, economists, and others presents a multidisciplinary look at this particular intersection of information technology and social science and ...
While highlighting topics including intellectual capital, risk assessment, and organizational strategy, this book is ideally designed for policymakers, ICT consultants, public sector workers, public administrators, government officials, ...
This book analyzes the role of social capital for rural areasÕ survival and development in the current age of metropolitan growth Ð an era in which urban is the norm and where rural areas must adapt to this new situation and build ...
... Martine Durand, Juliet Evans, Vincent Gallart, Tom Healy, Herwig Immervoll, Sue KendallBilicki, Kaisu Kärkkäinen, Mosahid Khan, Vladimir Lopez-Bassols, Kate Lancaster, Janet Looney, Angus Maddison, John Martin, Marco Mira d'Ercole, ...
Brannigan, A., Gemmell, W., Pevalin, D. J. and Wade, T. J. (2002) Self-control and social control in childhood misconduct and aggression: the role of family structure, hyperactivity, and hostile parenting.
In this book Eric Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann make a simple, central claim, developed with rigorous theoretical and empirical support: knowledge is the key to a country's development.