Cruise Operations Management provides a comprehensive and contextualised overview of hospitality services for the cruise industry. As well as providing a background to the cruise industry, it also looks deeper into the management issues providing a practical guide for both students and professionals alike. A user-friendly and practical guide it discusses issues such as: · The history and image of cruising · How to design a cruise and itinerary planning · Roles and responsibilities on a cruise ship · Customer service systems and passenger profiles · Managing food and drink operations onboard · Health, safety and security Cruise Operations Management presents a range of contextualised facts illustrated by a number of case studies that encourage the reader to examine the often complex circumstances that surround problems or events associated to cruise operations. The case studies are contemporary and are constructed from first hand research with a number of international cruise companies providing a real world insight into this industry. Each case study is followed by questions that are intended to illuminate issues and stimulate discussion. The structure of the book is designed so the reader can either build knowledge cumulatively for an in-depth knowledge of managerial practices and procedures onboard a cruise ship, or they can ‘dip in’ and make use of specific material and case studies for use within a more generic hospitality or tourism learning context.
Cruise Operations Management: Hospitality Perspectives offers a comprehensive and contextualized overview of hospitality services for the cruise industry.
This book brings together industry know-how, managerial experience and academic rigour to cover some of the most important and interesting managerial challenges associated with ocean cruises.
This book explores the lessons learned from half a century of Caribbean cruise tourism; one of the most popular and profitable sectors of the tourism industry.
For more serious readers -- including those with a professional interest in all aspects of the cruise industry -- the volume seems to become the definite reference book. These days you could come across one in port, not just at sea.
The authors demonstrate in this book how key components of both Six Sigma and Lean—such as identifying and removing defects, elimination of waste, metrics, speed of delivery, and the seamless integration of these concepts and practices ...
This book documents the proceedings of the 1st e-Cruising Conference (Bremerhaven, Germany), which was aimed at discussing the possibilities and applicability of ICTs and mobile services in various aspects of cruise operations.
Interdisciplinary in nature, this analysis elicits an examination of states' relationship to the maritime regulatory structure governing ship ownership, management and operations, cruise lines' business strategies, development of port ...
From restaurants to resorts, the hospitality industry demands strong operations management to delight guests, develop employees, and deliver financial returns.
This book includes a selection of refereed papers presented at the "Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (OR2016)," which took place at the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr ...
Conrad Lashley has done extensive consultancy with companies such as McDonalds and uses case studies from these companies to reiterate key issues throughout the text.