Don’t start from scratch! Learn what works—and what doesn’t—in providing education to off-campus students! This unique compilation presents practical advice on how to set up distance learning programs that effectively serve the needs of students who don’t have access to the campus. The book examines issues surrounding development, implementation, teacher training, time management, and other important aspects of distance education. Distance Education: What Works Well brings you lessons garnered from real-life experiences at several institutions to help you explore the pros and cons of distance education—and what it takes to implement a distance program that really works. In the first half of Distance Education: What Works Well you’ll examine: the development of a digital high school—from the early stages through “rookie camp” experiences practical recommendations on how to design successful online high school programs what has worked well—and what has not—in terms of distance education in the rural K-12 environment the successful and not-so-successful aspects of an innovative distance education project that encourages collaboration between high schools and middle schools The second half of this informative book presents practical advice to help you set up distance learning programs that make the most of available technology. You’ll learn: how to train faculty to effectively use distance education techniques the importance of student-teacher and student-student interaction in a distance education setting—and how to build active online communities that keep students and faculty in touch the roles and functions of moderators in online education—and the skills they need to be effective six effective tactics designed to optimize online time how to decide whether distance education is the right choice for you
This work provides overviews and summaries of the research and practice of distance education in the USA. It addresses such questions as how distance education is best practised at the level of the teacher, as well as the administrator.
Foreword / Richard A. Schwier -- Teaching and learning in distance education : continue a new era / M.F. Cleveland-Innes -- From independence to collaboration : a personal retrospective on distance education / D.R. Garrison -- Formal and ...
Robinson , B. ( 1990 ) ' Telephone teaching and audio - conferencing at the British Open University ' , in Bates , A.W. ( ed . ) Media and Technology in European Distance Education , Heerlen : European Association of Distance Teaching ...
The book explores the ways in which higher education stakeholders can apply and leverage the benefits of online learning
The teacher or trainer who uses this book will be able to distinguish between appropriate uses of distance education. In this text we take the following themes: The first theme is the definition of distance education.
Topics discussed: * The current status of K-12 online, distance and blended learning in the U.S. * Policy, funding, and management issues in relation to program implementation * Research on effective programs within governmental ...
This book explores the problems that distance education poses to the theorist, bringing together an international team of distance educators to address these issues for the first time in a systematic way.
Distance education and training provision has expanded dramatically over the past few years.
Distance Education: Strategies and Tools