Looking at the past, present and future of adventure tourism, Adventure Tourism: the new frontier examines the product, the adventure tourist profile, and issues such as supply, geography and sustainability. International case studies are used to illustrate these issues, including: Gorilla watching holidays,Trekking on Mount Everest, Diving holidays, and Outward Bound packages. Analysis of the development and nature of adventure tourism accompanies these studies, ensuring that the title is useful both for undergraduate and postgraduate students of tourism and for professionals involved in managing adventure tourism enterprises. There is also a companion website with additional cases, which can be found at www.bh/com/companions/0750651865.
Adventure tourism is a new, rapidly growing area at both practical and academic levels.
This book is a cohesive and comprehensive look at this multi-million dollar industry sector from a variety of perspectives relevant to the teaching of tourism.
The Adventure Tourist: Being, Knowing, Becoming responds to the requirements of the outdoor adventure industry today and considers how engagement with theory can inform, challenge and support real-world scenarios in this sector.
Surfing has now become a global brand and lifestyle, with icons such as Kelly Slater and Laird Hamilton epitomizing the success and popularity of the sport. Kelly Slater is perhaps the best-known star of the professional surfing circuit ...
Discover the secrets to success in sport-related tourism and adventure travel! This essential handbook of sport-related travel provides an in-depth look at an international industry growing by leaps and bounds.
Harlow: Pearson Education. Sabuhoro, E., Wright, B., Munanura, I. E., Nyakabwa, I.N., & Nibigira, C. (2017). The potential of ecotourism opportunities to generate support for mountain gorilla conservation among local communities ...
Newby has never heard of some of the items on the list of equipment he is given, and takes the wrong boots, which leave his feet raw and bleeding. One wonders whether he packed his brolly and a bowler hat. It strains credibility that a ...
JAMES S. DUNCAN, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Jj\' the year 2000, tourism will be the world's single most important economic activity. Even now, there is hardly a place on earth, no matter how inaccessible, that has not been visited by some ...
Adventure Tourism: The New Frontier
Adventure Tourism