The category of learning disabilities continues to be among the most contentious in special education. Much of the debate and dissent emanates from a lack of understanding about its basic nature. The failure to evolve a comprehensive and unified perspective about the nature of learning disabilities has resulted in the concept being lost. The loss is best illustrated through the failure to answer this seemingly simple question: What is a learning disability? Using historical, empirical, theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical analyses, this volume explores a number of problems and issues facing the field of learning disabilities. The chapters cover historical influences, definitional problems, primary characteristics, assessment practices, theoretical development, major themes, research and measurement models, and long-term outcomes. The goal is to explicate the nature of learning disabilities by analyzing what it was supposed to be, what it has become, and what it might be. A predominant theme running through this text is the necessity for the field of learning disabilities to regain integrity by recapturing its essence.
This book is a landmark in learning disabilities studies, and it lays down solid foundations for future research and practical intervention in the field.
... 298–299, 298f Homework alternating treatment design (ATD) and, 617–618, 617f cooperative learning and, 509 mathematical learning and, 509 Homophones, 584–585 Honig v. Doe (1988), 52 Hybrid model for classification, 4, 45–47, ...
This book is written to enable educators and parents to understand the nature of learning disability so they in turn can transform the capabilities of their students.
A practical text-reference on the relationship between learning disabilities and the linguistic and cognitive factors that contribute to academic failure. Among the topics explored are the theoretical foundations of learning...
In D. Schunk & B. Zimmerman (Eds.), Self-regulation book. New York: Guilford Press. Pressley, M., Gaskins, I. W., Cunicelli, E. A., Burdick, N.J., Schaub-Matt, M., Lee, D. S., & Powell, N. (1991). Strategy instruction at Benchmark ...
Learning Disabilities: Nature, Theory, and Treatment
This book discusses biological, cognitive, educational, sociological, and interactive to discuss the nature of learning disabilities, its origins, its diagnosis, and effective remediation.
For the K-12 special education methods course for future teachers of students with learning problems. Knowing that no one approach to teaching is right for all children all of the...
Jezzard P, Matthews P, Smith S. Functional MRI: An Introduction to Methods. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2001. ... K Karni A, Meyer G, Rey-Hipolito C, Jezzard P, et al. The acquisition of skilled motor performance: fast and slow ...
This pamphlet offers guidelines for educators who want to improve their use of strategy instruction with students who have inefficient and/or ineffective learning strategies. Specific examples of strategic teaching are...