Starting from the question ‘what is a story?’ Storytelling Across the Primary Curriculum leads the reader through the theory and practise of storytelling as an educational method – a method taught by the author over the last ten years through Primary English teaching programmes. This practical book gives teachers the skills and confidence to use storytelling and the spoken word in new and exciting ways in the classroom. It will also give teachers the confidence to ‘put down the book’ and trust themselves to tell, rather than read, a story. It provides a wealth of examples of cross-curricular teaching opportunities, including a section on the ways in which the teaching of phonics can be embedded in the 'real' language of story. Storytelling Across the Primary Curriculum is ideal for trainee and practicing primary school teachers who want to develop their classroom practice within the field of storytelling. Students on BA Primary, BEd, and PGCE courses, particularly those specialising in English, will also benefit from this book’s stimulating and intuitive approach to teaching English language and literacy.
And at last his boasting reached the ears of the king, who summoned the miller to stand before him. Sadly, in front of the king, the miller's boasts grew even worse: 'My daughter can spin straw into gold,' he said.
17–33 Bartholomew, H., Osborne, J. and Ratcliffe, M. (2004) Teaching students 'ideas-about-science': five dimensions of effective practice. Science Education, 88(5), pp. 654–82 CCEA (2007) The Northern Ireland Curriculum Primary.
An eminently practical guide, Teaching as Story Telling shows teachers how to integrate imagination and reason into the curriculum when planning classes in social studies, language arts, mathematics, and science.
Marshall, Bethan Director of MA courses at King's College London, Marshall has a distinctive 'voice' on many important issues – setting homework and the danger of overprescriptive frameworks for literacy and English lessons; ...
11. 12. ... “Oral Storytelling in the Primary English Classroom.” In: Bland, Janice (ed.). ... Storytelling Across the Primary Curriculum.
The book features contributions from from Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Christopher Fowler, Simon Clark and Graham Masterton. All royalties from this book will go to the charity to help them continue their good work.
Grant Bage discusses ways of translating curriculum content into lessons. The author also explores the difficulties for teachers of remaining constructively critical of both policy and their own practice.
Hall's research (2001) with 5 and 6-year-olds tells a similar story. He found that meaningful understanding of punctuation results from a combination of the following: meaningful reading and writing activities; talk about punctuation ...
This book studies the primary curriculum, subject by subject.
Friedman, A. and Johnson, M. 2004.Uwungelema, A South African Tale. uwungelema- a- southern- african- tale (accessed July 10, 2020). • Fairy-Tale Info. 2005.