Social Work Practice with Children and Families: A Family Health Approach

Social Work Practice with Children and Families: A Family Health Approach
Social Work Practice with Children and Families
Family & Relationships
Francis K. O. Yuen


Effectively engage clients in working for personal change Social Work Practice with Children and Families presents the framework for family health social work and its applications in various practice environments. This vital textbook provides a unique blend of academic deliberations and practical service guidelines. Case examples or discussion questions are included at the end of each chapter to facilitate more in-depth understanding and discussion among graduate and undergraduate students, professors, and educators in health and human service areas. Social Work Practice with Children and Families is organized into two major sections entitled “Practice Interventions” and “Policy, Programs, and Emerging Families.” This book will supply you with intervention and change strategies for promoting the physical, mental, emotional, social, economic, cultural, and spiritual growth and development of the family unit and each of its members, resulting in its holistic well-being. The book covers a wide variety of family dynamics that you will encounter, including gay/lesbian parents, single parents, and grandparents as caregivers. In this resource, you will also find case studies, adaptive strategies, and intervention models for working with families dealing with: abuse and violence disability loss and grief HIV/AIDS migrating and seasonal farm work and more! Social Work Practice with Children and Families will show you how to adopt and use family health social work practice methodology and models in your casework. As a supplemental text, it will help you harness the resources of the household, the government, and the community to develop interventions and services that promote the interests and welfare of your clients and their loved ones.

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