An essential book for today's marketer now that integrated marketing communications form a critical success factor in building strong brands and strong companies This new edition is still the only textbook on the market to deal with all aspects of IMC from a strategic perspective Corporate image, identity and reputation have never been more important and this book unlocks the key factors in achieving and enhancing this Integrated Marketing Communications is not just about utilizing different communication options in your marketing campaign; it is about planning in a systematic way to determine the most effective and consistent message for your target audience. As such, it depends upon identifying the best positioning, generating positive brand attitude, a consistent reinforcement of the brand's message through IMC channels, and ensuring that all marketing communication supports the company's overall identity, image, and reputation. This textbook is a roadmap to achieving this, thoroughly updated to reflect the dynamic changes in the area since the first edition was published. New to this edition: New sections on social media and now to integrate them into your marketing function New chapter on message development and an enhanced chapter on the IMC plan Robust pedagogy to help reinforce learning and memory Enhanced teaching materials online to help lecturers prepare their courses Brand new real-life case study vignettes
Covers all aspects of integrated marketing communication from a strategic viewpoint.
An indispensable reference guide to the best practices in every industry, this handbook features more than 40 information-packed chapters authored by the best minds in the business and covers cutting-edge tips, topics and techniques such as ...
Social media can help personalize a brand by creating interactive opportunities with its target audience. The opportunity to directly respond to questions, complaints, or rumors keeps brands in touch with their target and gives loyal ...
The third edition of this text has updated and revised examples and content that includes the cutting-edge topics in the industry.
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a holistic approach to the areas of advertising, public relations, branding, promotions, event and experiential marketing, and related fields of strategic communication.
Co-written by the internationally acclaimed leading experts in the field, Philip Kitchen & Marwa Tourky, this core text explores the best ways to communicate effectively both in the present and in the future.
"--BOOK JACKET. "This book also shows how to put an integrated program into practice, with expert guidance on planning, coordinating, and controlling the entire communications process.
Marketing Communications: Integrated Theory, Strategy & Tactics
Pearson Prentice Hall. Fill, C. (2002) Marketing Communications: Contexts, Strategies and Applications. Pearson Education. Hill, E., O'Sullivan, C. and O'Sullivan, T. (2003) Creative Arts Marketing, 2nd edn. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Updated to include more digital content with detailed international examples, this new edition adds four new chapters including Integrated Marketing Communication objectives, budgets, and metrics, legacy media planning, business-to-business ...