Much has been written about globalization and the challenge of preparing young people for the new world of work and life in times of complexity and continuous change. However, few works have examined how globalization has and will continue to shape education in the East. This volume discusses education within the context of globalization and examines what is occurring in schools and systems of education in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, Singapore, and Australia. Closer examination of recent developments and current trends reveal the same turbulence and a range of common issues in areas such as assessment, curriculum, leadership, management of change, pedagogy, policy, professional capacity and technology. This volume demonstrates the commonalities and differences and offers tremendous insight into the way things are done in places where student achievement is high but there is also a sense of urgency in continuing an agenda of change.
In Changing Schools in an Era of Globalization, edited by John C.K. Lee and B.J. Caldwell, pp. 181–97. New York and London: Routledge, 2011. Stromquest, N.P. and K. Monkman. “Defining Globalization and Assessing its Implications ...
Brian J. Caldwell, Jim M. Spinks ... Bookending these were the leadership, encouragement and faith initially of Malcolm Clarkson (Falmer) and now of Anna Clarkson (Routledge). The editorial support of the Routledge team is acknowledged.
The aim of this Handbook is to present a global overview of developments in education and policy change during the last decade.
In this book, Tristan Bunnell explores the changing landscape of international schooling and discusses the implications of these changes, both in terms of theoretically conceptualizing the scale, nature and purpose of the field, and in ...
Bringing together a group of international authors, this book attempts to examine the effects of globalization on educational policies and practices under the following themes: (1) the roles of educational research in the era of ...
Pick a current global issue in the era of globalization and write an analytical research paper. Choose a country and conduct a case study. Your paper should include several sections illustrating, analyzing, criticizing, and evaluating ...
Planningfor the future intimesof social change Uncertainty in aspirations Outcomesassociated with uncertainty Conclusion ... schools,and major demographic trends in the United States Social change Immigration Family change Conclusion ...
Despite the incomplete state of the exhibit, by 1970 it was the second-most popular tourist destination on Cyprus after the ancient city of Salamis along the eastern coast. Maritime research was progressing elsewhere around the island ...
EDUCATION / Comparative
... see also faculty psychology; psychology; psychometrics Friedman, Milton 230, 231 Froebel, Friedrich 83, 145 funding: Catholic schools and public funding 94–97; Globalization era 215, 225, 227, 228; Postwar America 193–194, 197, 212; ...