The idea of the centralized State has played a powerful role in shaping French republicanism. But for two hundred years, many have tried to find other ways of being French and Republican. These essays challenge the traditional account, bringing together new insights from leading scholars.
In this invaluable reference work, the world’s foremost authorities on France’s political, social, cultural, and intellectual history explore the history and meaning of the French Republic and the challenges it has faced.
Drawing on a range of archival and published sources, the book sheds new light on classical republican thinking on such key issues as the interpretation of the 1789 Revolution, the definition of citizenship, the meaning of patriotism, the ...
The book reviews criticisms of standard conceptions of industrial society and draws empirical support for some new approaches from the politics of Britain, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Japan and the United States: an analysis ...
The Politics of Belonging represents an innovative collaboration between political theorists and political scientists for the purposes of investigating the liberal and pluralistic traditions of nationalism.
Arguing that the French have cherished and demonized Jacobinism at the same time--their hearts following Robespierre, but their heads turning toward Benjamin Constant--Rosanvallon traces the long history of resistance to Jacobinism, ...
"John Bowen has written one of the most insightful books on Islam in France.
Drawing on arange of archival and published sources, the book sheds new light on classical republican thinking on such key issues as the interpretation of the 1789 Revolution, the definition of citizenship, the meaning of patriotism, the ...
French Resistance: The French-American Culture Wars
State Systems: International Pluralism, Politics, and Culture
This book represents a comprehensive examination of interest-group politics in France focusing on the overall pattern of interaction between interest groups and government.