Porter, L., Steers, R., Mowday, R. and Boulian, P. (1974) 'Organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover among psychiatric technicians', Journal of Applied Psychology, 59: 603–9. Porter, M. E. (1980) Competitive Strategies: ...
The text presents a wide range of HR topics within a single semester of material, and a wealth of functional examples and applications. Fundamentals is also the first text of its kind to make talent management processes a core study.
This text is current, topical, and informative. No matter your status, this is the human resources and healthcare textbook you need to stay ahead of the curve.
This edition reviews today's most important laws and regulations and addresses the information most often used by HR professionals.
When students ask "What's In It For Me?", the Fifth Canadian Edition will show them just how relevant HRM is to them as people, employees and eventually managers.
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: People, Data, and Analytics provides a current, succinct, and interesting introduction to the world of HRM with a special emphasis on how data can help managers make better decisions about the ...
More than 100 new topics can be found throughout this edition, along with new features and cases.
Human Resource Management: 12th Edition
Rosa consideraba que una persona mayor sería un empleado constante y confiable , mientras que Keith prefería tener un ayudante más joven , con ambición que " motivara un mejor desempeño laboral ” . No habían tenido ocasión de llegar a ...
Using the principle and principles in this book will help you effectively manage any golf facility.
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management