Why Public Service Matters conveys the importance, purpose, and nobility of a career as a civil servant in the United States. It does so, however, with an unflinching eye on the realpolitik that drives public administration in America's "compensatory state" and on the pitfalls of reformers' focus on bureaucratic, rather than democratic, administration. The book links the nation's ability to handle contemporary policy problems with the strategic, tactical, and normative quality of public management. In doing so, it offers newcomers a rare, concise, and accessible overview of the field. Readers will gain an appreciation for the challenges, choices, and opportunities facing public managers as they help advance a sense of common purpose informed by democratic constitutional values in twenty-first century America.
In what conditions do bargains rise and fall? And has there been a universal and uniform change in these bargains?The Politics of Public Service Bargains develops a distinct perspective to answer these questions.
Intended for students and scholars of public administration and public policy, this book will be the first to provide a comprehensive comparative assessment of management's impact on organizational performance.
President George W. Bush nominated her for another term in 2007. Bush's action, together with civil service reforms in the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, outsourcing initiatives, cutbacks, ...
... The League of Women Voters, US Vote, UnidosUS, or the Brennan Center for Justice We must make voter registration and voting accessible to every eligible American, and ensure every ballot is counted regardless of voter's race, ...
Based on five years of extensive research by the Government Performance Project, this volume offers a comprehensive analysis of how government managers and elected officials use management and management systems to improve performance.
Moloney, P. (2011, April 2). Comments. Philosophy on the Mesa. Retrieved from http://philosophyonthemesa.com/2011/03/30/behavioral-ethics-explanation-orexcuse/ Mooney, C. (2011, April 18). The science of why we don't believe in science.
The book is written as a series of lively, entertaining letters of advice from a sympathetic uncle to a niece or nephew embarking on a government career.
This book takes a multidisciplinary, critical, and context-sensitive approach to address such questions.
Looking at the 1996 welfare reform law (the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, or PRWORA), Riccucci examines the law's effectiveness in changing the work functions and behaviors of street-level welfare workers ...
James L. Perry, Robert K. Christensen ... After witnessing such instances multiple times, explains Svolik, voters conclude that “all politicians are crooks” and as a result lower their expectations for politicians, who in turn respond ...