Nursing Ethics: A Principle-Based Approach

Nursing Ethics: A Principle-Based Approach
Nursing Ethics
Macmillan International Higher Education
Steven D. Edwards


Struggling to understand ethics? Feeling lost when trying to handle moral dilemmas in professional practice? Worried about helping patients to make decisions in an ethical way? Nursing Ethics is an introductory text which enables you to consider, understand and tackle difficult moral problems. It takes a principle-based approach, which provides a practical and easy-to-apply framework for addressing ethical dilemmas. The book includes clear descriptions of moral theories and concepts and is packed with case examples – giving it immediate relevance to everyday nursing situations. As well as being significantly revised and updated, this new edition includes discussion of the Nursing and Midwifery Code (2008) and an entire chapter dedicated to genetics and the related complex ethical issues. Simple, clear and accessible – Nursing Ethics is an essential purchase for all students and practitioners of nursing and health care.

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