The demise of state Socialisms caused radical social, cultural and economic changes in Eastern Europe. Since then, young people have been confronted with fundamental disruptions and transformations to their daily environment, while an unsettling, globalized world substantially reshapes local belongings and conventional values. In times of multiple instabilities and uncertainties, this volume argues, young people prefer to try to adjust to given circumstances than to adopt the behaviour of potential rebellious, adolescent role models, dissident counter-cultures or artistic breakings of taboo. Eastern European Youth Cultures in a Global Context takes this situation as a starting point for an examination of generational change, cultural belongings, political activism and everyday practices of young people in different Eastern European countries from an interdisciplinary perspective. It argues that the conditions of global change not only call for a differentiated evaluation of youth cultures, but also for a revision of our understanding of 'youth' itself – in Eastern Europe and beyond.
This book was written by Pilkington and Omel&’chenko with the team of researchers on the project&—Moya Flynn, Ul&’iana Bliudina, and Elena Starkova.
This volume offers a corrective to previous thinking about youth ethnic identities and will prove useful to scholars in political science and sociology studying issues of ethnic and national identities and nationalism, as well as youth ...
... that also contains three original plays: Staging Modernist Lives: H.D., Mina Loy, Nancy Cunard, Three Plays and Criticism (2017), a book on the impact of archaeology on the historical and literary imagination, Stratified Modernism: ...
... Eastern European Youth Cultures in a Global Context. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Sharma, Jeevan Raj. 2018. Crossing ... Youth, Media, and Martyrdom in Post-Revolution Iran. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Vila, Pablo, ed. 2014. Music ...
... perspective of the postsocialist Eastern European “middle classes,” mostly formed by a neoliberal paradigm and often by self-glorification. On the contrary, I use the reference to lower-income social classes which could be synonymous to ...
Raoul Bianchi and Marcus Stephenson (2014), underscore that there persisted significant variations of how much individuals ... in theory, provided Yugoslavian citizens with the possibility to travel to almost all of Europe and beyond, ...
Elena Omelchenko. Eastern European youth cultures in a global context (pp. 253–270). Palgrave Macmillan. Omelchenko, E. L., & Zhelnina, A. A. (2015). Risks and pleasures in the youth activist scenes in contemporary Russia. In F. Martínez ...
Through close analysis of prose, drama, television, and film, this book maps how the adolescent hero has become a locus for multiple anxieties throughout the tumultuous years since the end of the Soviet experiment.
Merje Kuus, 'Europe's Eastern Expansion and the Reinscription of Otherness in EastCentral Europe', Progress in Human Geography, 28/4 (2004), 477. Kuus, Geopolitics Reframed, 55. Samuel Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations was very ...
... global trend in popular world literature, in which local-cultural traditions and social settings are secondary, often ... Youth, Politics, Identity, and Change (Lanham: Roman and Littlefield, 2012). 7. T. Hundorova, Tranzytna kul'tura ...